
Immediately after a period of intense physical or mental exertion, whether at work, in sports, or during a challenging mental event, the Regeneration program helps bring the body and mind back to a balanced and calming state. The chosen color blue relieves tension and lowers the pulse rate without making you sleepy.

24 Minutes

Organ clock:

Color Brainwave stimulation:
see parameters below

1. 12 minutes: Intensity 25, Color R 0 | G 0 | B 255, Brightness 100%, FIR temperature 60%
2. 8 minutes: Intensity 10, Color R 0 | G 255 | B 0, Brightness 100%, FIR temperature 50%
3. 4 minutes: Intensity sensitive, Color R 0 | G 255 | B 160, Brightness 80%, FIR temperature 40%